Monday, June 14, 2010

Captain Blye and the Rabbi: Episode 27

Good afternoon hockey fans,

Well the season is over and Black Hawks are your new Stanley Cup Champs. They've ended a 49 year drought without the title in the Windy City and now it's the Toronto Maple Leafs who own the league's longest run Cuplessness (yeah, I just made that word up. It's my blog, I'll do what I want!)

So you're probably thinking that's it for hockey this year. But the Captain and the Rabbi haven't had their final say in the matter. Well look no further to find the newest episode of the show. In this edition, Ethan and I of course spend the first period running down the Stanley Cup Final that was. As I said earlier, the Hawks have won; Ethan and I talk about how they did it.

In the second period, we discuss the idea of playing the Canadian National Anthem in the Stanley Cup Finals regardless of whether or not there is a Canadian team in the post season. Ethan and I don't seem to the think so, but what to you, the listeners, think on the subject?

Finally, we close the show with a discussion in the third period with on the language policy of the Montreal Canadiens. Should the GM/Coach/major exec be required be bilingual? Specifically, should a qualified uni-lingual anglophone be excluded from these jobs because he doesn't at the moment speak French? Or should the team place emphasis on the fact that they are "Les Canadiens," the pride of French Canada when they make their hires?

We'll be back in a month with our final show. Until then, enjoy!